
Expert insights and research on the rapidly evolving threat environment and the latest trends and opportunities in cybersecurity

Blog Post The SolarWinds proceedings – Some Reflections for the CISO Community

The SolarWinds proceedings – Some Reflections for the CISO Community

On October 30th, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced charges against SolarWinds Corporation and its chief information security officer, Timothy G. Brown, for fraud and internal control failures relating to allegedly known cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities. The proceedings have caught the attention of the CISO community. They lead to some immediate practical reflections, as to...
Blog Post Dig Announcment4

From Seed to Exiting Big, in 2 Years: Palo Alto Networks Acquires Team8 Portco Dig Security

When I first heard Dig Security’s pitch, I recall saying to my team – this is a deal we should pursue. It ticked all the boxes: a big market opportunity, differentiated superior technology, and a team with a wealth of experience. Little did I know that we were entering one of the most competitive categories...
CISO Regulations Guide and Response by Team8's ciso village leadership

Regulation and the CISO – A Suggested Approach From the CISO Community

How should the CISO be regulated? What considerations should the government look at when regulating the CISO? Can regulation become an agile process? These and other questions are addressed in our new Team8 CISO Village report: Regulation and the CISO – A Suggested Approach From the CISO Community, written by Chris Inglis, Amit Ashkenazi, and...

Celebrating Gem Security’s New Funding: $34M Raised to Date to Lead Cloud Detection and Response

Earlier this year, we used this space to announce Gem Security’s emergence from stealth. At the time, the company had raised an $11M Seed, led by Team8 Enterprise, to pioneer the emerging category of  Cloud Detection and Response (CDR). Today, it’s been announced that Gem has reached another major milestone by securing a $23M Series A led by GGV Capital and joined by IBM Ventures, Silicon Valley CISO Investments (SVCI), and us at Team8.
Key Findings from Team8’s 2023 CISO Village Survey2

The Pulse on Cybersecurity: Key Findings from Team8’s 2023 CISO Village Survey

A few months ago we had the privilege of welcoming 130 esteemed CISOs from prominent enterprises worldwide to the vibrant city of Tel Aviv for Team8’s CISO Village Summit. It was an incredible gathering of top cybersecurity leaders, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, and thought-provoking discussions on the ever-evolving challenges in the cybersecurity landscape and...
mockup of 2023 ciso survival guide written by CISCO

Navigating the Cloud Security Landscape: Insights from the 2023 CISO Survival Guide

In today's fast-paced digital environment, the relentless battle against ever-evolving cyber threats poses an immense challenge for enterprises worldwide. The sheer variety of attacks coupled with a constantly expanding array of security solutions can overwhelm even the most experienced CISOs and security leaders. Faced with this dynamic landscape, anticipating and preparing for what lies ahead becomes imperative.

CISO Summit 2023: Highlights from our Innovation Night and Village Awards Ceremony

What a CISO Summit it was! We recently hosted the Team8 CISO Village for our largest CISO Summit to date, where we welcomed 130 global CISOs from leading enterprises for a week in Tel Aviv. To top it off, we held our annual Rethink event to launch Cyber Week, bringing together 500+ industry leaders, leading...
Blog Post Generative AI and ChatGPT

A CISOs Guide: Generative AI and ChatGPT Enterprise Risks

Be it ChatGPT, Midjourney, Copilot, or others, Generative AI has and is about to have a profound effect across all industries and enterprises. With this context, Team8, in partnership with our CISO Village community has prepared a guide for CISOs on evaluating the enterprise risks and opportunities of Generative AI and ChatGPT, now available for...