Eidan Siniver

CTO of Team8

Eidan is a Matzov cyber-defense unit alumnus, an award-winning innovator, and a recipient of the Disruptive Innovator Award from the Cyber Defense Corps for his contributions to groundbreaking projects.

Following his military service, he joined Aqua Security, a pioneer in cloud-native security. From early stages to late growth, Eidan was instrumental in securing major Fortune 500 accounts, generating millions in annual recurring revenues.

In growing the company from a point solution that secures Docker environments to a cloud security platform leader, Eidan spearheaded the core engineering organization. He managed large multidisciplinary engineering teams and amassed invaluable experience in building, shipping, and selling enterprise software to the largest organizations in the world. The technologies his teams developed are now protecting the workloads of the Fortune 100.

Eidan holds a B.Sc. degree in computer science with distinction from the College of Management and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.