Bob Blakley is co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Mimic Networks. He was previously an Operating Partner at Team8, and before that Global Director of Information Security Innovation at Citi. He recently served as a member of the National Academy of Science’s Committee on Facial Recognition: Current Capabilities, Future Prospects, and Governance, and as a member of the Academy’s Committee on Technical Assessment of the Feasibility and Implications of Quantum Computing. He has served as Plenary chair of the NSTIC Identity Ecosystem Steering Group and as Research and Development Co-Chair of FSSCC – the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security. Bob was the general editor of the OASIS SAML specification.
Prior to joining Citi, Bob was Distinguished Analyst and Agenda Manager for Identity and Privacy at Gartner and Burton group. Before that, he was Chief Scientist for Security and Privacy at IBM. He is past general chair of the IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium and the ACSA New Security Paradigms workshop. He was awarded ACSAC’s Distinguished Security Practitioner award in 2002, and is a frequent speaker at information security and computer industry events.